Bear Creek Rehab

Skilled and intermediate nursing care is available to our residents at all times.

Physical, occupational and speech therapy are available to all residents with individualized programs offered through Bear Creek Rehab.

Brooklyn Community Estate provides a licensed social worker to assist with the admission and adjustment process, to assess psycho-social well-being and to assist our residents and families with any social, emotional or medical needs. Financial resource information and family support services are provided. We ensure that the transition to long-term care is done with love and support to all involved.
A full activity calendar, including night and week-end activities. Our Activity Department is designed to enable the resident to continue to enjoy the experience of life at their highest practical level. Activities include physical, spiritual, intellectual, social groups, community and leisure activities.

Home cooked food in a great atmosphere. Each diet is keyed to the resident’s taste and needs. Our menus are overseen by our Registered Dietician, ensuring they are as nutritious as they are delicious. The menu is posted daily in the main hallway, and alternative selections are available upon request.

Brooklyn Community Estate has a contract with MediTelecare to provide on site psychiatric services to our residents on a monthly. These services include evaluation of cognition, depression and behavior as well management of psychoactive and cognitive medications.

Salon services include shampoo and styling, haircuts, perms, color rinses, etc. Haircuts for our gentlemen residents are also available. Appointments can be made by calling the facility at 641-522-9263.

Hospice provides palliative and supportive medical care to terminally ill patients and their families in order to meet the special needs arising out of the physical, emotional, spiritual and social stresses experienced during the final stages of terminal illness and death.
5 Benefits of Home-Delivered Meals for Older Adults Home-delivered meals may seem like a small thing, but they can be invaluable for older adults living alone. Meals delivered to elderly adults’ doorsteps provide both nutrition and comfort to a vulnerable…